
Fullscript is a health-care startup based in Ottawa, ON. We build software to make practitioners lives easier so they can provide the best care possible to their patients.

"Changing the way healthcare is prescribed."

At Fullscript we solve a complex set of problems for our practitioners. From being able to send patient’s their treatment plans, to surfacing patient data so our practitioners know which of their patients are not adhering to their specific treatment.

I work as a product designer on two teams. These teams are focused on improving patient adherence through practitioner tooling & our practitioner onboarding experience.


2019 - Present

Project type

Web app
Things I’ve helped build & ship in 2+ years.

Our patient catalog is a cornerstone of their experience. All patient self-serving takes place here. We made it easier for patients to find what they need faster through an advanced search and filtering.

Patient catalog V2

Shareable Wellness Protocols

We gave practitioners the ability to share treatment plans with mass groups of patients and other staff in the dispensary in just two clicks. Used by over 4000 practitioners and growing. *Case study coming soon.

The center of all patient treatment plans in the practitioner experience. We wanted to give practitioners deeper insights into what their patients are actually doing so they can intervene if need be.  *Case study coming soon.

Patient Insights Dashboard

Adherence forms

The first in app communication between practitioners and their patients. In just a single click, patients can share why they haven’t filled their treatment plan yet. Adherence forms look to push patient adherence to the next level.

Aviary (Design system)

Aviary Design system. Logo for aviary of a pigeon plus a snippet of Aviarys system button

Ever growing, never finished. Aviary is Fullscript’s design system. *Figma community file coming soon.

& a whole lot more I could tell you all about. Let's chat?
Next project: Fanxchange >